Reblog: Conjured in Gold, continued

I’m opening this entry with an apology to my friend and fellow contributor, Cyndera:  I’m sorry.  I should have done this ages ago.  I agreed to this series of reblogs some time back, but since then it’s been busy around here–with the Doctor Who rewatch, the James Patterson Masterclass, and a few short stories–and I let this project be moved to the back burner.

Well, no more!  In continuing my previous post, here is the rest of Cyndera’s Conjured in Gold!  As before, I won’t repost the entire text here; rather, I’ve linked to her blog, where you can read each part in full.  Here is the link to Part 1 on my post, and the same section again on her blog.  We continue with Part 2 through Part 6 (links are below).  Happy reading!


As Arlia stepped into the bright sunlight, she tried to slow down her heartbeat. She was excited. She had dreamt about her incantation day for what seemed to be an eternity. She pictured herself in beautiful golden robes that were customary for this day, her hair framing her face and making her eyes glow. She thought about approaching the magic circle where she would place the items she needed for the spell.

Located in the middle of the library garden, the circle was located on an elevated platform made of white marble, surrounded by lush, green grass. The circle itself was nothing special: A ring of pale golden dust. But once a person started the incantation, the circle would gain in color, density, and intensity, and it was different from person to person. For as long as Arlia could remember, she had heard stories about the incantation and the appearance of the circle.

Continue Reading Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6 (Conclusion)

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